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Local Drug Rehab Centers - The Recover offers reporting on trending news topics about addiction and mental health. A team of experienced journalists write non-bias news about major health news issues. The treatments approval follows a shocking sign off from the FDA, esketamine, a fast-acting nasal spray that is a form of the popular club drug ketamine, to treat severe depression. The first approval for severe depression treatment since Prozac. Rapid relief is a focus for many dealing with depression and mental health treatments. The approval for this new treatment is a blessing for many. A Connecticut mother, who received the treatment, was diagnosed with postpartum depression after she gave birth to her second child, Brenley who is now 2. For years, the antidepressants that she was prescribed were not helping at all, and the patient felt like she was falling deeper and deeper into the state of depression. Once she participated in the brexanolone trials, she reported incredible results and almost instant relief. She claimed that between hours 12 and 18 of the 60-hour infusion, she noticed her depression slipping away. - More Info About This Website |
Hangover recovery drink - So, how exactly does the Sunday Morning Hero Kit A.K.A. The Hangover Helper Kit work? The secret lies in the use of Dihydromyricetin (DHM), a favorite herbal ingredient of health experts and many in Asia clinically proven to counteract the effects of alcohol on the brain and liver after a night of drinking. DHM, along with the right combination of electrolytes and water soluble vitamins lost during the consumption of alcohol combined with the help of Willow Bark Extract (nature’s Aspirin) and a small amount of caffeine is the last cocktail you need after you finish drinking or the next morning to recover! View ingredient label? Just mix the powder portion in 16 ounces of cold water and drink it after a night out or the morning after along with the 2 capsules. By balancing your body’s electrolytes, eliminating alcohol’s toxic by products to your liver and brain and vanquishing that headache you’ll be able to stop dehydration, headaches, and other hangover symptoms in their tracks fast! A must-have for busy professionals and college students alike, The Hangover Helper gives you the freedom to enjoy your nights without jeopardizing your busy mornings. Need more info? See our Science section or check out what our customers are saying below.... - More Info About This Website |
Help for Addiction - When you or a loved one are struggling with addiction to drugs or alcohol, it can be difficult to know what the right step is. According to the U.S. Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) 2013 Survey on Drug Use and Health, up to 90 percent of people in need of treatment for addiction don’t receive it. Several factors contribute to this statistic, including: Addicts have difficulty admitting that they have a problem and seeking help Addicts and their loved ones have difficulty finding effective treatment locations Commitment to a treatment plan Barriers to treatment once the search begins The rehab industry is often predatory and rife with false promises. Our guide will act as a primer for those seeking addiction help so that you know what to look for when seeking effective treatment. Who needs treatment and who gets it helping Someone With Addiction: First Steps Relapse Rates of common diseasesThe first priority when you or a loved one has admitted that they’re addicted to drugs or alcohol is open communication. It’s often a difficult experience to get someone to admit to themselves that they have a substance abuse problem, let alone talk to someone else about it. So, it is crucial to be supportive and communicate during this window of clarity. Addiction is a disease, and if not treated effectively, it is extremely difficult to recover from. Like many chronic diseases, addiction has a high relapse rate — the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) estimates that it’s between 40 to 60 percent, consistent with other chronic conditions like asthma and high blood pressure. The most important part of getting someone struggling with addiction the help they need is knowing where to go. How do you find the best rehab, where you trust that your loved one will receive the help with addiction that they need? - More Info About This Website |