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Local Drug Rehab Centers

Title: Local Drug Rehab Centers
URL: https://www.therecover.com/
Description: The Recover offers reporting on trending news topics about addiction and mental health. A team of experienced journalists write non-bias news about major health news issues. The treatments approval follows a shocking sign off from the FDA, esketamine, a fast-acting nasal spray that is a form of the popular club drug ketamine, to treat severe depression. The first approval for severe depression treatment since Prozac. Rapid relief is a focus for many dealing with depression and mental health treatments. The approval for this new treatment is a blessing for many. A Connecticut mother, who received the treatment, was diagnosed with postpartum depression after she gave birth to her second child, Brenley who is now 2. For years, the antidepressants that she was prescribed were not helping at all, and the patient felt like she was falling deeper and deeper into the state of depression. Once she participated in the brexanolone trials, she reported incredible results and almost instant relief. She claimed that between hours 12 and 18 of the 60-hour infusion, she noticed her depression slipping away.