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Smart Contract Gambling

Title: Smart Contract Gambling
URL: https://bitbettors.com/
Description: The clue is in the name! It would be unwise to write a review on Edgeless casino and not start by discussing their 0% house-edge. To understand just how significant this is, let’s take a look at how a traditional casino works. Casinos are in business to make money, obviously. One of the main ways that they achieve this is by having a long-term advantage over the player. This is known as the house-edge. Without doing so, there would be no guarantee that the casino would make a profit, and they wouldn’t want that, would they? So how does it work? Think about a traditional game of blackjack. The idea of the game is simple – you bet $10, and if you beat the dealer you get $20. If you lose, the casino keeps your stake. Of course, if you are fortunate enough to hit “blackjack”, you then get 2.5 times your stake. In the above example, $10 would return $25.