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wolf of sports

Title: wolf of sports
URL: https://sites.google.com/site/nbapredictionspicksandpaam9/
Description: HOW YOU CAN TEST OUR MLB,SOCCER, NFL, NBA PREDICTIONS, PICKS and PARLAYS Every 12 weeks, we open up our doors to a few more people. You will be placed in a 12 week trial membership. The cost is $10/wk (and remember if the picks/parlays lose you get an instant refund). DO NOT wager more than $10/game for the first 12 weeks. This is just a trial to build your trust and confidence. After the 12 weeks is up, and you have won 7-9 if the 12weeks, you will be given the chance to join the main group and secure your seat at the table. The cost will be $30/wk and the refund guarantee still applies.