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Classifieds Website

Title: Classifieds Website
URL: https://ukads.org/
Description: UKads.org may at times use third party data suppliers to supplement the information you have provided in an ad. This could include descriptions, product specifications and other content. You may use such information solely in connection with your UKads.org ad while your ad is on UKads.org. The information provided may be subject to copyright, trademark and/or other protections. You agree not to remove any such protected information and/or create any derivative works based on the content (other than by including them in your ads).This permission is subject to modification or revocation at any time at UKads.org's sole discretion. You may not have the opportunity to review all of the supplemental data before posting an ad. UKads.org is not responsible for the accuracy of any third party supplied supplemental data. You continue to be responsible for ensuring that your ads are accurate, do not include misleading information and fully comply with these Terms of Use and all UKads.org policies. If you notice inaccuracies in this data after your ad appears on the site please get in touch with us.